• Iteba Road, Plot 248, Serere Town Council, Serere District

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Fashion and Garment Design

With global trends in the training and assessment which require acquisition of demand driven hands-on skills by trainees, modularization of curricula has become a requirement in the Ugandan TVET subsector. The main objective of modularization of assessment is to realign formal TVET assessment to occupational profiles that are available in the world of work or industry. This Modular Assessment Guide (MAG) has been derived from the NCDC curriculum of National Certificate in Fashion and Garment Design (2008), which is currently being taught and assessed for trainees. The occupational profiles were identified after which the related content was put together for realignment of the modules. This program consists of six (6) modules which includes; Pattern Making and Grading with four(4) sub-modules, Garment Making with five (5) sub modules, Fabric Decoration with four (4) sub modules, Dry Cleaning and Laundry with four (4) sub-modules, Jewelry making with six (6) sub-modules, Fabric Construction with five (5) sub modules. Life skills and vocational mathematics are separate additional modules which a trainee should also under take in order to accomplish the whole course. Trainees who prefer academic progression will be required to do Life skills and vocational mathematics as additional modules to the major six. And Such Trainees will undertake all the modules. Note: Those who want only skills can choose one of the six major core modules; pattern making, Garment making, fabric construction, dry cleaning and laundry, Jewelry making and Fabric decorating, without Life skills and vocational mathematics.