• Iteba Road, Plot 248, Serere Town Council, Serere District

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A range of Skills Based Occupations are accredited and assessed by the Directorate of Industrial Training. In a i bid to fulfill the 2050 millennium goals of Uganda which stresses among other factors "Monetizing the Economy" through wealth creation, giving a survival Skill to the community gives a road-map to this achievement. People in this trade have a diverse employment advantages since they suit the labour market with their expertise and seniority skills in particular occupations of training.


Occupations Assessed by DIT

Among other Occupations assessed by the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT) are


  • Baker,
  • Plumber,
  • Painter,
  • Decorator,
  • Farmer,
  • Builder,
  • Motorcycle Mechanic,
  • Motor Vehicle Mechanic,
  • Carpenter, 
  • Tailor, 
  • Driver, 
  • Domestic Electrician, 
  • Computer Application User, 
  • Welder and Metal Fabricator, among others
Principal (Mr Okiring Arnold) Inspecting the Students of Agriculture on Farm Management